How long do Pillow Top Mattresses last? A fascinating question that I want to answer in this post.
I know I may have responded to this somewhat in this post here but I feel pillow top mattresses deserve their own section since they’re so unique. In this post, I want to talk about how long you should expect an average pillow top to last or if you should even consider getting one if you haven’t, and some tips you might not have considered if your pillow top is giving you trouble.
The Problem with Pillow Tops
The top of the pillow top mattress is just that, a pillow, and just like a real pillow over time it becomes lumpy and breaks down to form a canoe shape or sagging. This can affect the life expectancy of a pillow top mattress if you don’t maintain it. If you need to fluff up your pillow top mattress, then we do have a post on that here.
If you’re trying to decide to get a pillow top or not – don’t. Either go with memory foam or innerspring to avoid the pillowtop sagging. If you already have a pillow top mattress, then we have some options to help you below to extend its life.
How Many Years?
I have some people tell me they have had their mattress for 10 years and don’t think they need a new one. They might not know they need a new one as they don’t know anything different. I remember thinking my old mattress was great but when I got my new one, I realized how bad it was and how much of my pain was coming from it. Just saying, 15 years is a long time to adjust to the pains from your mattress. Don’t confuse fake comfort for real comfort, time makes fools of us all.
When it comes to pillow top mattresses I seem them lasting 5 to 7 years and maybe 8 for a really top of the line model.
I know this seems short to some and I do get people telling me “they don’t make them like they used to“. This is true; they don’t make them as they used but for right reasons. A lot has changed in 20 years. A lot has changed in the last 5 years. What we understand about sleeping and comfort has changed a lot and so must the mattresses. A mattress is something you spend 1/3 of your life on and replacing when it needs to should be important to everyone.
This is true; they don’t make them as they used to but for good reasons. A lot has changed in 20 years, actually, a lot has changed in the last 5 years. What we understand about sleeping and comfort has changed a lot and so must the mattresses. A mattress is something you spend 1/3 of your life on and replacing it when it needs to should be important and timely to everyone.
A mattress doesn’t last forever. But if you want a mattress that lasts for a good long time then maybe look into a high-quality Latex Mattress. Even a Memory Foam mattress is a good option for most people at a more attractive price.
I set up Google Calendar to remind me every 7 years to get a new memory foam mattress because I know the advances in sleep tech is worth the cost. Plus, the way we shop for mattresses now and the prices they charge have changed the game – we explain this more at the bottom.
Can You Extend Pillow Top Mattresses Life?
You can get memory foam toppers to put on a worn out pillow top mattress. I recommend looking at getting a thick memory foam topper that is at least 2 inches thick. This will help to extend the life of your pillow top mattress, but it is only a band-aid on the problem.
If the pillow top has a dent in it or is sagging then get something like a Mattress Helper to lift up on it. Or if your box spring or bed frame supports it put a plywood board under the mattress to give it better support. You’ll be surprised by how your foundation or box spring plays a role in the comfort of your mattress.
The foundation could be the reason for your discomfort if your pillow top mattress is only a few years old, let’s talk about that…
The Foundation is Important!
Just like a house, you need a good foundation. If you bought a new mattress but kept your old box spring, then that is a big NO-NO. That’s like putting a new house on a worn out and old foundation – not the best thing to do.
What you put the pillow top mattress on is just as important as the mattress itself. Box springs are not what they use to be and have become so pointless that I have a little rant on them here.
It’s best to get a new foundation every time you get a new mattress since like shoes they wear into each other. I know this can get costly. But a robust and solid foundation that is made out of metal will hold up better than wooden slat ones if you want one that can last longer.
I know this sounds expensive to replace your bed frame every time you get a new mattress, but if you only do it every 7 years, then you’re only looking at a few dollars a month over those 7 years.
Mattress Shopping Is NOT Fun!
Everyone wants their mattress to last so to avoid the sleazy feeling of mattress shopping. Shopping for a mattress is often compared to shopping for a car. You get the salesperson pushing the mattress of the month and you start to feel like all the mattresses are the same but different names. You get so worn out from the experience that you end up buying whatever just to stop the pain of shopping for a new mattress.
This is why I think traditional mattress shopping is going away.
Do what I do, buy online. I know it scary, and you can’t try it out but to be honest, any mattress you try at the stores will “feel” good. The ones at the stores have been laid on by many and are broke in, but get the same mattress home, and it will feel different. Unless the mattress store is going to let you try it out for a couple of days then it’s not going to feel any better than one online. The real sweet part of buying online is that some mattress makers have trial periods too. I never need the trial periods as I can just read what real people are saying about the mattress in the reviews.
Take a look at the Zinus Memory Foam 12 Inch Green Tea Mattress* if you’re curious about buying a mattress online.
Unless the mattress store is going to let you try it out for a couple of days then it’s not going to feel any better than the ones online. The real sweet part of buying online is that some mattress makers have trial periods too. I never need the trial periods as I can just read what real people are saying about the mattress in the reviews.
That is what is so great about shopping for a mattress online, you can do it on your own time and don’t get pressured. Just like any new mattress, I do recommend to break it in just like you would with shoes. If you been sleeping on something for years it will feel odd at first but soon you’ll get used to the new mattress as it gets used to you.